Current PhD Students
Fatima Ezzahra Riakhi (Topic: Future proofing agricultural polder water management through optimal control and design. Keys: Model Predictive Control, Groundwater Modelling, Innovative Subsurface drainage systems, irrigation, salinisation, with Mark Bakker, Oct 2022-)
Rania Al-Zou’bi (Topic: Cooperative Infrastructure Planning in the WEF-Policy Nexus. Keys: WEF Nexus, Transbioundary Basins, Cooperative Planning,Oct 2022-)
Alireza Shefaei (Topic: Long-term water network infrastructure planning under uncertainty. Keys: Stochastic Optimisation, Reinforcement Learning, Agent based Approaches, Sept 2021-)
Ja-Ho Koo (Topic: Robust Reservoir Control under under meteorological uncertainties. Keys: Stochastic MPC, RL, Data based modelling, with Andreja Jonoski and Dimitri Solomantine)
Past PhD candidates and Post Docs
Ali Moradvandi (Thesis: Advancing Resource Recovery from Wastewater Mechanistic Modeling, Hybrid System Identification, Adaptive Predictive Control; Topic: Advaced Control of Biological treatment processes. Keys: Nonlinear MPC, Switched Affine Systsems, ML based Model Identification, with Ralph Lindeboom and Bart de Schutter, Sept 2020-2024)
Arash Maleki (Topic: Research and design of rainwater harvesting systems considering water quality concerns. Keys: Model based design, Spatial aspects in urban water management, with Jan peter van der Hoek, Engineering Doctorate, Sept 2022-Sept 2024)
Ties vd Heijden (Topic: Optimal Control of Open Canal Systems with multiple electricity markets participation. Keys: machine learning (DL), data based models, electricity markets, uncertainty modelling, Stochastic MPC, with Peter Palensky and Nick van de Giesen Sept 2019-2024)
Chelsea Kaandorp, PhD, June 2023 (Topic: A Water-Energy Nexus Approach for the heat transition in Amsterdam: focusing on water, committed emissions and social innovation and energy justice, “Transforming urban heating systems: Integrating perspectives on water use, committed emissions and energy justice in the city of Amsterdam,” successfully defended PhD in June 2023 at TU Delft)
Boran Aydin, PhD, August 2020 (Model Predictive Control of Water Level and Salinity in Coastal Areas, successfully defended PhD in August 2020 at TU Delft)
David Steffelbauer, Post Doc (Sept 2018 - Sept 2020 at TU Delft)
For more details please also refer to Publications.