
Current PhD Students

  • Fatima Ezzahra Riakhi (Topic: Future proofing agricultural polder water management through optimal control and design. Keys: Model Predictive Control, Groundwater Modelling, Innovative Subsurface drainage systems, irrigation, salinisation, with Mark Bakker, Oct 2022-)

  • Rania Al-Zou’bi (Topic: Cooperative Infrastructure Planning in the WEF-Policy Nexus. Keys: WEF Nexus, Transbioundary Basins, Cooperative Planning,Oct 2022-)

  • Alireza Shefaei (Topic: Long-term water network infrastructure planning under uncertainty. Keys: Stochastic Optimisation, Reinforcement Learning, Agent based Approaches, Sept 2021-)

  • Ja-Ho Koo (Topic: Robust Reservoir Control under under meteorological uncertainties. Keys: Stochastic MPC, RL, Data based modelling, with Andreja Jonoski and Dimitri Solomantine)

Past PhD candidates and Post Docs

  • Ali Moradvandi (Thesis: Advancing Resource Recovery from Wastewater Mechanistic Modeling, Hybrid System Identification, Adaptive Predictive Control; Topic: Advaced Control of Biological treatment processes. Keys: Nonlinear MPC, Switched Affine Systsems, ML based Model Identification, with Ralph Lindeboom and Bart de Schutter, Sept 2020-2024)

  • Arash Maleki (Topic: Research and design of rainwater harvesting systems considering water quality concerns. Keys: Model based design, Spatial aspects in urban water management, with Jan peter van der Hoek, Engineering Doctorate, Sept 2022-Sept 2024)

  • Ties vd Heijden (Topic: Optimal Control of Open Canal Systems with multiple electricity markets participation. Keys: machine learning (DL), data based models, electricity markets, uncertainty modelling, Stochastic MPC, with Peter Palensky and Nick van de Giesen Sept 2019-2024)

  • Chelsea Kaandorp, PhD, June 2023 (Topic: A Water-Energy Nexus Approach for the heat transition in Amsterdam: focusing on water, committed emissions and social innovation and energy justice, “Transforming urban heating systems: Integrating perspectives on water use, committed emissions and energy justice in the city of Amsterdam,” successfully defended PhD in June 2023 at TU Delft)

  • Boran Aydin, PhD, August 2020 (Model Predictive Control of Water Level and Salinity in Coastal Areas, successfully defended PhD in August 2020 at TU Delft)

  • David Steffelbauer, Post Doc (Sept 2018 - Sept 2020 at TU Delft)

For more details please also refer to Publications.